So go, be daring - (I graduated!)


“It’s better to err on the side of daring than the side of caution. So go, be daring.” 

I never uploaded pictures of my undergraduate graduation. It was one of the worst days of my life and I can’t look at the photos without seeing all the sadness that I was tucking deep down inside myself. I couldn’t understand why I was supposed to be happy. It felt like a funeral for my old life, where all my friends were going off to bright futures and I truly didn't believe I had one. I had never lived without a plan before and I didn’t believe I could.

I wanted to go to my masters graduation because I got it. Finally. I understood why this is a celebration. Why it’s not the ending to my story. 

I didn’t graduate as anything. I’m not a doctor or a lawyer or a nurse or an engineer. There is no set path for me to follow, I have to carve it myself. And yes that is terrifying. 

But I am brave. 

I have realised I have it in me to forge my own path. 

The chancellor told us all to go and be daring. And it hit me in all the ways I needed it to. Even when the future is uncertain and it feels like I’m years behind everyone else. I can be daring. I can be brave.
Because we all feel like that from time to time really.

I just wish I realised it sooner.

At the very least it would have given me nice pics with all my Dundee friends in our cool robes.


I don't normally post life stuff to this blog (other than the little captions at the end) but I started this blog studying at Queen's and it felt right to post about it here.

When COVID happened I got sent back to Scotland with nothing but a small suitcase of my things and it was incredibly difficult as I lost an amazing little community I spent so long building. 

But I loved going back to graduate and see all my old haunts again. And I wanted to celebrate this achievement on the blog that brought me a lot of joy during a truly magical time in my life. 

If you want to find out when I post new stories you can follow my instagram! or facebook! 


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