A Longing for the Sea

"You’ll spoil your dress!” 

The first time I saw the ocean I wasn’t allowed to go near it. My parents had dressed me up for the ferry and I was to go across the sea to meet my great uncle. He wouldn’t have wanted a girl covered in sand, and drenched in salt water, although after living there for three years I don’t think he would have cared. 

I was never one for sitting down for long periods. My childhood was filled with daydreams of wings, of me flying through the air. I thought one day I would sprout feathers and rise. But that dream faded with age, until I saw the sea and wondered what it would feel like to be engulfed in it. 

Since then I’ve been back and forth on the ferry, each time staring at the waves, the sand, even in the winter there was something so different about it. It was peaceful chaos, the quiet of the beach and the unpredictability of the waves. Each time my dress was too fancy to ruin or my hair too styled to risk messing up. I was never allowed to even set foot on the sand. 

Still, I felt it call to me. I stood on the deck with the crowds, most of them looked to where they were headed, the rest looked back to where they had come from. But I stood and looked directly into the ocean, the uncontrollable vastness that I longed for. The waves that rocked the boat never frightened me. The world would bob up and down, people clinging to the rails, sometimes hurling their guts out, sometimes too scared to stand. Often the boat would rock so much that walking in a straight line was impossible. This, much to the dismay of my guardians was my favourite part. The closest I had come to the sea was riding on it, bouncing with it, flowing in sync with the ocean below me.

And one day, perhaps soon, I will feel that call and be unable to resist. I will rush into the waves and feel the water on my skin, feel the absolute freedom of the sea. To float, surely would feel like flying. Supported by nothing but nature.


Hello friends !! I have had a Hectic week but please enjoy this !! My goal for the year is to write something new every week (let’s ignore that it’s now 10 days into the year). I actually wrote this on Tuesday and would have made the deadline for the first week in January, but as it's very similar to a post I wrote for NaNoWriMo I was afraid to upload it. I guess the sea just makes me Feel a certain way. 
I'm hoping that being back at university will provide me with some stimulation as over Christmas my brain just shut down for like a week and all I cared about was my Sims graduating college. I wasn't completely creatively dead though, I managed to write another 17,000 words of a secret project I'm working on, but I feel writing characters you are familiar with is a lot easier than coming up and getting to know new ones.
Hope you all had a lovely holiday !! 

Friendly reminder I post all these stories first on instagram! So follow me there if you like!


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