Day 24: The Leather Cap

It was for her own safety. The ugly brown thing on top of her head. Made entirely of leather so it melded to her scalp in the summer, and failed to protect her from any heat in the winter. She understood why she had to wear it. No one could know she was alive, and her hair, red and curly and lying long past her shoulders was a dead giveaway. If it was any other colour, or any other shape she might have been able to away without it. Might have been able to shop at the market without tightly braiding her hair and forcing it into one leather cap. .

But no, her hair was distinctively hers. Even if people hadn’t met her before, by hair colour alone they could tell what family she was from, who in the village she was related to. 

It was a tragedy when she died. People were in uproar after the fire, and her picture was plastered in places that before the accident would never have recognised her.

Now she was recognisable to most of the population, and so the hat, and the fake name became necessary.

There where days, occasionally, when her guardians would allow her to take it off, to let her hair down and sit outside watching the stars. It reminded her of home, of nights camping with her brothers, or staring out the windows of a building she could never go back to. Every night she wished she could return. To see her family again, to take off her disguise. To be herself, just for a night.


Guess who can’t stop writing fanfic of their own characters!

Friends, it is not that I am uninspired, it is just that there are days when I can think of nothing else but the characters in my secret project. Anyway, this is my character who I love very dearly having an angsty moment over a hat. I wanted to put more detail in here but I also didn't want to put the entire plot of my secret project out there. I would rather keep it /secret/ for now. Also, with the vagueness it's a bit more intriguing and lets the reader fill in the blanks and create their own story, as opposed to reading the one I intended.

Another reason for /this/ being my NaNoWriMo today is simply because I was at my aunt/uncle/cousins's house for dinner and being with family is my happy place. So I was having a bit too much fun to sit an force myself to write something new.

Oh also yes that is me lying in bed with a hat on.

This was Day 24 of my NaNoWriMo project where I am writing a new short story every day in November! Originally all of these were posted to instagram, but the 300 word limit was a little confining so I've come here to post everything I've written and a little bit more! 


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