Day 7: The Day The Moon Stopped
There was once a night, where everything was quiet. The seas were calm, the wind was silent, and all the creatures of the earth slept soundly. For hours not a single sound existed, not a snore or a cough or a sneeze. Even the creatures not of this world had put down their claws and drawn in their fangs to gently lay down and admire the rareness of the silence. The quiet that no human ears could ever fathom, the complete stillness of a world that was about to change.
It stayed that way for a very long time. Silence, nothing but silence. Babies not long in this world slept through the night, children prone to nightmares slept as soundly as mice, for on this night there were no nightmares. Only dreams of what was to come.
Then, the world began to move again, the wind finally exhaled in a great gust that many thought would never end. It bounced and thundered until the world was awake.
People grabbed their children and moved to the streets, as if they had all been called forward. They moved towards the town square, in their nightgowns and slippers.
It was still as dark as it was when midnight struck, and while no person had bothered to check the time, it was obvious that they had all slept long enough for it to be day.
Murmurs erupted from the crowd.
“Day isn’t coming!”
“Day won’t be here!”
“We are without light!”
Scientists rushed to the centre of the crowd to speak.
"It doesn’t make sense for day to stop.”
“Scientifically this is remarkable!”
“Perhaps we shouldn’t look for the sun, but look to the moon!”
The youngest scientist made the most sense. His hair was as yellow as straw, his eyes blue as sapphires, but something red on his teeth, a glint of blood, would make most men cautious. With a long, sharp finger he pointed to the sky, in all the blackness, there in the centre of the dark shone the moon. It was illuminated in yellow and blue, lights that shouldn’t be, lights that couldn’t be.
This is another story that was limited by Instagram's character limit. The actual story doesn't have a finishing point but it stands at 2000 words and I think I could just go on and on with this voice and world. It's fun and sinister and slightly creepy. I'm in love with it in a way I can't quite describe.
I'll post the rest of it soon, but until then have this extract. If it seems similar to the Maeve and Cabhan story it's because in my head the two are linked. I'm not sure how, but it's the same world I think.
This was Day 7 of my NaNoWriMo project where I am writing a new short story every day in November! Originally all of these were posted to instagram, but the 300 word limit was a little confining so I've come here to post everything I've written and a little bit more!
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